Integrity brings blessing

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“Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming!” – Song of Songs 2:15 

There are many little foxes that we must catch and not let them destroy the vineyard of our life. Our life, our family, everything that God has entrusted to us is the vineyard. And God wants to bless you, to make you grow and prosper in every way as the state of your soul.

But in our lives, there are little foxes that appear and that if we let them act, they will destroy this vineyard that God has entrusted to us. These foxes have many names which can be bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, criticism, and many others. Today I would like to propose to you to stop on one of these little foxes which can be devastating, and which is the opposite of integrity. It can be called dishonesty, cheating, indelicacy, unfairness, partiality, venality.


“Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming!”
Song of Songs 2:15 


This weekly Hope & Inspiration is meant to be positive and hopeful. And that is why I want to encourage us not to let these little foxes destroy the potential that God has entrusted to us. And one of the vital ingredients to allow your vine to grow and bear fruit is to have integrity. 

Integrity is essential to reaching your highest potential. Integrity is the foundation upon which a truly successful life is built. Every time you compromise, every time you are less honest, you cause a small crack in the foundation. If you continue to compromise, that foundation will never be able to support what God wants to build. You will never have a healthy and lasting prosperity if you don’t have integrity first. 

“Integrity is essential to have the blessing of God for having a lasting and healthy prosperous life.” 

Jean-Luc Trachsel

You may enjoy some temporary success, but you will never see the fullness of God’s favor if you don’t take that road of integrity by making the best choices. Integrity is a daily choice that can sometimes be tested by great opportunities to get rich or better position yourself. But these tests are like every sin that at first seem sweet and attractive but in reality they take us away from God’s plan for our lives. And we have the power to choose right. 

On the other hand, if we are content with nothing more than living with integrity in all the decisions of our lives, then God’s blessings will catch up with us. Integrity is kind of invisible as it’s in our heart. But God honors and blesses a person living in integrity. 

Let’s be willing to pay the price for doing what is right and upright. It is well worth the blessing as we walk according to these plans with a heart of integrity. 

Prayer: God I don’t want any foxes in my life. I renounce to all of them and especially I want to live in integrity. Holy Spirit check my heart and clean everything that could attract this evil fox. Today, I decide to be a person of integrity in everything. As I choose the right thing, I believe you will bless me.

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