He has given everything

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“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” – Romans 8 :32

Did you know that the creation of the universe did not cost anything to God? One single word coming out of his mouth caused the creation of the world. One single blow gave life to everything. He had not even one drop of transpiration from his forehead, when he created us. On the other hand, however, the salvation of our souls did cost him everything. He had to go through death so that we could be born again. He should leave his last breath in order to give us life. He had to poor his own blood in order to redeem us from the hands of the hell.


“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”
Romans 8 :32


When we look through faith and with the eyes of our heart Christ on the cross, our being can only burn for him. This view of the son of God crucified reveals 2 things to us. First of all, the love of our God, shown by Jesus who died on the cross. He loved us so, that he gave his only begotten son, the person who is the pupil of his eye.


“When we look through faith and with the eyes of our heart Christ on the cross, our being can only burn for him.” 


Secondly, Golgotha teaches us the value of our person. The price of death for the sins of this world by the one who never ever committed one single fault, reveals to us up to which point our soul is important. Stop today to put yourself down. Do not try to become better. Do not worry of who you will overcome mountains – God will help you by his grace in all things you need. 

My friend, fix your eyes upon Jesus and place your confidence in the one who literally has given everything for you.

Prayer: Heavenly father, thank you for your love. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you because in you, I have everything. I love you so. Amen.

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