Climb on a mountain

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“Go up on a high mountain” – Isaiah 40 :9

Our knowledge of Christ is nearly like the ascent of a Swiss mountain. When you stand at the bottom of the mountain, you do not see a lot: the mountain seems to have half of its actual size.  Situated in a small village, you may notice nothing other than the small streams of water flowing down into the stream at the bottom of the mountain. Climbing the first hill, the valley is spread and gets extended under your feet. Higher, you can see the landscape at about four to five kilometres around and you rejoice because of the extended perspective. Again higher, the scene becomes greater, until finally, when you reach the summit and you look to the east, west, north and south, you can see nearly the whole of Switzerland extending in front of you.  There is a forest in the far away county, maybe at 200 km, and there you see some lakes, and there is a brilliant river and some motorways leading to an industrial town, or even some tractors in a line which bring in the harvest for the summer. You like all these things, and they make you happy, and you say to yourself: “I have never thought that you might see so many things at this height”.


“Go up on a high mountain”
Isaiah 40 :9

It´s the same for life as a Christian. When we believe for the first time in Christ, we only see a few things from him. The more we climb, the more we discover his beauty. But who has ever achieved the summit? Who has ever known all heights and depths of the love of Christ which exceeds all our knowledge? When Paul got older and was sitting with grey hair in a prison of Rome, he could say with more assurance than we could: “I know whom I have believed (2 Timothy 1 :12). 

Every experience has been like climbing a hill, every test has become an ascension of another summit, and his death seemed to be the summit of the mountain, where he could see the entire panorama of the faithfulness and love of the one to whom he entrusted his soul.

“It is with and by his grace that we can march on the mountain of the eternal God.” 

My friend, climb another mountain! Choose firmly in your heart to start this ascension of the presence of God. The Christian life is a relational journey. We do not cease to explore God´s beauties. We continue our adventure inside the heart of Jesus by the assistance of the Holy Spirit.  

The good news is that we cannot climb this “high mountain” neither by our own strengths nor by our own value. It is with and by his grace that we march. The Holy Spirit gives us the necessary vitality and the courage to climb the summits of this life in Christ. The blood of Jesus has opened for us the way into this most holy place: the way is completely prepared and the invitation to come to experience the beauty of God is for you! Will you accept this suggestion of your Master?

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for this life with you and in you. Thank you for all circumstances, difficult or glorious, which are drawing me to the mountain on which you want me to be. I love you Jesus, Amen.  

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