Above all, priority to God

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“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” – Psalm 91 :1

The Psalm 91 belongs to the greatest classics of God´s word. Everybody knows the first verses; some post them on their fridge, post them on the social medias, recite them during their discussions and appropriate the promises without holding on the depth of the text.  

All these things are superb, and do not deserve to stop their activities, but the Lord wants to invite us to experience a way of life based on this passage of the scriptures. God has a process. He has a range of priorities and it´s up to us to respect them when we want to benefit of his favor.  

For example: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6 :33)

If we want to receive the blessings of the eternal God, we should place and look for the kingdom of God and his justice above all and in the first place. That´s easy, isn´t it? God assures us and promises to take care in a generous manner of our needs, under condition that he is our first love.  


“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
Psalm 91 :1


As far as the Psalm 91,1 is concerned, it´s the same thing – there is a sequence and a range of priority.  

If you want to be protected by the almighty, you should above all dwell in him. Do you want to be in a status of continuous rest? In that case, you should make the presence of Christ your dwelling place. I just can encourage you, my friend; do not visit this secret place just from time to time. Don´t take your daily verse as unique biblical study. Do not praise the Lord only on Sundays.


“God assures us and promises to take care in a generous manner of our needs, under condition that he is our first love.” 


On the contrary, seek God every day, praise him all the time, consume his word all the days of your life. In other words, dwell in the secret place of the highest. Thus, we will put you under his wings. He will protect you from the fire lines of the enemy. He will bless you up to the overflow of your cup. He will give you a supernatural rest over your thoughts, our emotions and your body. If you place Jesus before all other things and above all things, if you give him priority, then he will take to as his priority.  

Look at Christ. Pursue his presence. Praise him, thank him and don´t ever stop. Then, he will manifest his goodness towards you and will give you safety for your whole life. Hallelujah!

Prayer: Jesus, you are my king and my Lord, and you are also my life. I love you and I decide today to place you in the first place of my life. Amen.

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