Holding on the Word of God

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Romains 12:2
“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”

When we put our complete trust in God and His Word, we are not swayed by contradictory evidence. We act and move only by what we believe, and what we believe is the Word of God. When circumstances are contrary to the Word, or when common sense is contrary to the Word, the established heart always leans on the Word and refuses to be troubled.


The meditation of the Word is essential for a successful life. But at the same time, it is important not only to read it, meditate on it, proclaim it but also to practice the Word of God. God told Joshua to meditate on the Word, day and night, so that he would do all that is written in it.


It is through meditation on the Word that we become doers of the Word. James 1:25 says that he who practices the Word will be blessed in his deeds. The first chapter of James warns us against hearing the Word but not doing it. He says that such a man has deceived himself. If you don’t act on the Word, then you don’t really believe it. If you believe a man’s word, then you act on it. Believing requires acting.


James wrote that faith without works is dead (James 2:20). One translation says, “Faith without corresponding actions is void and without power. If you truly believe, then you will act. Once your actions match what you believe, then, as James says, your faith will be perfect.


Once you have spent time meditating on God’s Word and acting according to what that Word says, there will come a time when you must stand firm. Many times, we miss out on God’s blessings simply because we let go too soon. Circumstances may indicate that there is no way for you to overcome a particular situation, but you must not let go of the Word. Keep talking about the Word. Keep holding on to the confession of your faith.


Hold fast to the profession of your faith, without wavering, for he is faithful to what he has promised. Therefore, do not reject your trust, which has a great reward. For you need patience, that you may receive the promise after you have done the will of God (Heb. 10:23, 35-36).


Holding on the Word of God is literally the same as being patient. Patience means being constant, consistent, not changing no matter the circumstances. When you are patient, you speak and act the same no matter the situation.


So don’t throw away your faith. Don’t reject your faith simply because it doesn’t seem to work immediately in your particular situation. Hold fast to the confession of your faith. Hold fast to the Word.


You see, when it seems like nothing is working, your faith is tested. As James 1:3 says, “… the testing of your faith develops patience.” In other words, when your faith is tested, it puts the strength of patience to work. Faith and patience go hand in hand. They always work together.


Patience is the spiritual strength that sustains and undergirds your faith, so that it is not thrown away to one side or the other. When your faith is tested, the strength of patience comes into play. So instead of rejecting your faith and speaking contrary to what the Word says, you will be strengthened and empowered by the power of patience to remain constant and steady.

Prayer: Thank you God for your Word that I can meditate on day and night to succeed. As I meditate, I proclaim it and believe it without wavering despite the circumstances. I know that what you’ve promised will also happen because you are not a liar but you are the Truth. So, help me to speak what Your Word says as I’m patient, so that my endurance is growing to become perfect and complete.

Quote: Patience is the spiritual strength that sustains and undergirds your faith for a growing endurance to become perfect and complete in need of nothing else.

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