God’s masterpiece

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I write the weekly HOPE & INSPIRATION from different places. I would be blessed if I hear from you on these short messages that I personally write. Each time I turn to heaven to download these short messages from God to encourage us, I am personally blessed. What about you? I look forward to seeing your reactions.


Today I am at the airport in Geneva and I read Ephesians 2:10 this morning before I left and I am meditating on it. What an extraordinary verse!  God created us as His workmanship which comes from the Greek word “poiēma” and can be translated by “His Masterpiece”. The masterpiece is indeed a work that the journeyman aspiring to mastery had to execute according to precise rules enacted by the trade (or corporation) to which he belonged and under the control of a jury of masters. The Good News is that “the journeyman” is the God of gods, the Lord of lords who created us in His image. And we are truly a masterpiece – “a product” that comes directly from heaven created in Jesus Christ to do good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do.


“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10

For too many years the father of lies, the devil, has been trying to make you believe continually or periodically that you are worth nothing. You think you are insignificant, “little” people, losers or just people like everyone else. This is a lie. You were created by the Great Master and you are an extraordinary masterpiece. Extraordinary – Magnificent – Splendid and full of His Glory! And the masterpiece that you are was not created to be put on a shelf or in a museum. But you are a unique masterpiece to practice good works that The Master has prepared in advance and you will accomplish what will glorify your Masterpiece.

“We are a unique masterpiece to practice good works that The Master has prepared in advance and that you will accomplish that will glorify your Masterpiece.” 

As you realize who you are in Jesus Christ, I invite you to start worshipping this Great God who created you with a Great Value that is like Him. Rise up from your position of nobody and smallness to take your place as a child of the Almighty God. Leave that spirit of mediocrity to begin recognizing with humility the extraordinary and unique masterpiece that you are. We are not the author of this masterpiece that we are, but HE is.  So let us thank Him and give Him all the honor of having chosen us to be this masterpiece that gives Him all the Glory.

Prayer: God of the Universe, I thank you for being the Creator of my life which is an extraordinary masterpiece. Forgive me for listening to the devil who is a liar from time to time. I recognize your work in me and decide to accomplish those works that you have prepared in advance and that will glorify you. And I decide to change my lamentations about myself to enter these glorious works that you have prepared in advance for me as a masterpiece directly from heaven.

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