God is your Savior

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Isaiah 12:2
“See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.”

What a privilege it is having a God who doesn’t sit back and lecture us. Indeed, the Creator God loves us so much that He is continually working behind the scenes to save us from the works of evil. If you are in a difficult or perilous situation, there is a Savior who will not let you down. His name is Jesus.


Just put your trust in Him. Stop trying to save yourself. God is big enough to show up and get you out of the fiery furnace, the stormy waters or the lion’s den. The only thing you have to do is to let go and put your whole life in His hands.


I remember my children when they were little, and they were on a staircase or a wall and I told them to jump into my arms. Without thinking too much and not being afraid, they knew that by jumping I would catch them. They were confident that their daddy would not let them fall to the ground. How much more so, you can trust him and jump into his loving arms. Don’t be afraid, he will never let you down. Trust will lead you to leave the limited human security that is yours to discover a new dimension of being carried by a greater and saving force that is the hand of your Heavenly Father – God – Daddy.


Today as you feel emerged by the tormenting thoughts and the hot destructing situations, the Lord is your strength and your song for a great victory. The moment you put your faith in Him is the moment you choose to allow God to give you the strength you need to weather the storm and emerge victorious. He is the God of victory and now you can bring out that song that will free you from fear and defeat the one who wants to rob, slaughter and destroy you. But Jesus came so that whoever believes in him can have this life in abundance.


God is your Savior. He is your strength. He is the One who delivers you. He is your song; He is your victory. He is all you need to win the present battle and have a resounding victory to fulfill your destiny here on this earth.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I decide to surrender to you and stop fighting with my own strength. I believe that you are the Savior of the world and expect you to save me from all these situations that are trying to envelop me. I put my faith in you and decide to sing a song of victory against the enemy who has lost in advance.

Quote: Trusting the Lord in a difficult situation is like a child jumping off a wall into the arms of his father who will never let him down. God will never let you down so jump into His arms.

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