God with you !

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“Look ! The virgin will conceive a child ! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means God is with us” Matthew 1.23

Through the whole Bible, Jesus has different names according to who He is. But one of my favorite names is “God with us”. Jesus is not a dead god far away which we can never reach. But Jesus is the living God, willing to live among us. He didn’t stay in Heaven ruling and judging us. But He came on this earth among mankind. He came in order to do powerful things like healing the sick, delivering the people, doing good etc. … but the main reason He came was to seek those who are lost. And we are all lost if we don’t have God with us. But the Good news, Jesus accepted to die on the cross for all of us as the consequence of sin is death. But the free gift from God is the eternal life including the reconciliation with God to live among us.

Immanuel, God with you, means you never have to be alone or to be afraid. Do you want and need this loving God? He is closer than you think. If you’ve never accepted Him to live in you, call upon His name and He will not only save you but will live in you as you ask Him. He will be closer than the air you breathe. When you talk to him, He is right there to listen to you and to answer you. As you worship Him as the only God, His Presence will invade your inside, giving you strength and courage. As you allow Him to be closer, He will come with His light to the most distant parts of your life. As you invite Him to eat at your table and to live with you, His Glory will become evident with demonstration of His love and Power. You will see Miracles & Healings as He did when he was physically on this earth.

Take time right now to acknowledge Immanuel, God with you. Thank Him for dwelling inside of you. Give Him the first priority in your life. Honor Him as a person and as you do this, you will feel a permanent joy and peace coming directly from Jesus as He is the Prince of Peace and the source of the real joy.

Prayer: Jesus, your name is Immanuel. God with me! Jesus, I really want to invite you to live fully in me and to be with me forever. As you are with me, I can trust that you are my protector, my helper, my strength. You will lead me to take the best decisions for my life and you will help me in every circumstances. Thank you Jesus for being this amazing God living with us and with me. I worship you and give you all the praise and all the Glory.

Quote: Immanuel, God with you, means you never have to be alone or to be afraid.


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