Better plan for your life

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“This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 1:18 (NLT Study Bible Text)

I’m sure you’ve already been in touch or met somebody who was unconventionally having people around, bringing their opinions and criticism. I’m very sure Mary experienced the same having people talking behind her back “have you heard about Mary, she is pregnant without being married” “Can you believe that, she was such a sweet beautiful girl”. Even her fiancé Joseph was about to leave her when he heard about this situation. Mary had to endure all the criticism, all the ridicule, the shame and embarrassment. But regardless of what the other thoughts or said, she didn’t allow the others to steal her joy to fulfil God’s destiny and purpose for her own life. She kept her eyes on God and on his extraordinary promise she received on her heart. Of course, it was out of the ordinary allowing people to criticize. They couldn’t understand but the Good News is that the promise was not depending on them. The power of the Holy Spirit came upon her as surely as it was God’s will and manifestation. Nothing and nobody will be able to resist God’s power and what God decided for your own life, it will come to pass if you allow Him to act in you.

When you are called by God to do something different and out of the box, you will face criticism and judgement. Don’t be surprised to have people even friends talking behind your back. But that’s not important as their voice doesn’t count.

My friend, allow the Holy Spirit to come upon you to release a seed that will look different from the normality. When you receive a big dream from Him, a great promise for your life, some people will not understand and even become jealous. Even some are going to try to kill this dream, but they don’t realize, God has a different plan for every individual. He has something great in stock for you.

Be secure enough in who God created you to be. And as you allow the Holy Spirit to come upon you, He is going to release in you a seed, full of His Glory to mark your region, your economy, your environment, your family and even the history.

Prayer : Holy Spirit, I welcome you to come upon me to release God’s plan for my own life and even for the others sake. I believe that you’ve chosen me to mark my generation. I have been born as an original and don’t want to become a copy of others. Lord, let your will be done on earth as it’s in Heaven.

Quote : When the power of the most high has come upon you, His promises will come to pass despite the criticisms or judgements of others.

Jean-Luc Trachsel

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